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Low Capital Biz

BUSINESS YOU CAN START WITH LOW CAPITAL 1. BEAD MAKING  This is just one of the numerous skills you can acquire with little or no difficulty. Many of us even have relatives and friends that already have the skill. The cost of making a bead necklace might go for as low as #200 and you can sell this for as much as #1000. That’s 80% revenue. Just think about it. 2. SPORT VIEWING CENTER  The number of sports fans in Nigeria just keeps increasing by the day. You have a fallow piece of land in your area that is free for use? There are many youths passionate about sports in that area, and there is no sport viewing centre? That’s an opportunity. Take it. Believe me, the EPL season is at the corner, you don’t want to miss this. 3. PETTY TRADING  Very likely there are many persons doing that around the place you stay. But competition only arise when you are doing the same thing others are doing. Look around, is there something they are not selling or you think they...

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